Matt Mullenweg’s Bull(enweg)

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Every time Matt Mullenweg has lied, misrepresented, behaved in a questionable manner or had a nosebleed.



Addresses “Those Other Lawsuits”

Matt publishes “Those Other Lawsuits” (see: Lawsuit filed against Matt by his Mother’s private nurse).

In 2022, a lawyer recruited two people who took care of my Mom—an assistant and one of her dozen nurses—to resign and demand a million dollars each, or they would publish horrible things about her in a lawsuit. I refused. The lawsuits were filed. Luckily, the accusations are so sick, twisted, and outrageous that they refute themselves. There’s some weird sex stuff, and also claims that my Mom is racist. I am sad for whatever mind could even imagine such things.

Matt begins by suggesting an origin story that does not stand up, a lawyer does not recruit employees to sue their employer. The lawyer involved in these lawsuits, Susan Rubenstein, is a reputable employment lawyer responsible for jury-supported cases, such as “Marriott must pay $20 million for avoiding disabled concierge’s accommodation pleas”.

Matt goes on to claim that the accusations refute themselves. Yet, rather than refute, one of Matt’s former employees corroborates the allegations. From “DECLARATION OF JANE WEBER IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFFS’ OPPOSITION TO DEFENDANTS” MOTION TO COMPEL ARBITRATION IN LIEU OF FILING ANSWERS”:

I worked for Defendants Matthew Mullenweg and Audrey HC. LLC as the Director of Estate Operations. […] Defendant Mullenweg was considered the “boss” for all intents and purposes, however there were many day-to-day matters that never reached his desk. For instance, he rarely assisted in onboarding; the statements in his declaration are highly exaggerated. He did have the final say regarding policies for his company, many of which were unlawful, including his decision to completely ignore California wage and hour laws, and his decision to allow the hostile work environment to continue when he could have taken steps to prevent the harassment from occurring. Several employees complained about the hostile work environment; I advised him on more than one occasion that he was legally bound to correct it, however he ignored my advice. […] During the course of my employment with Defendants Mullenweg and Audrey HC, LLC, both Asmahan Attayeb and Jenniffer Westmoreland reported to me. I am aware from each woman, that an abusive and offensive and discriminatory hostile work environment occurred on a routine basis which disrupted the workplace for many of the employees who oftentimes would quit. I know that each of these women, Ms. Attayeb and Ms. Westmoreland, tried to make the best of the circumstances until they could not take it anymore. I know that at or near the time I left the company in early March, the harassment was continuing and in fact, escalated once these women and others complained about the conduct to Defendant Mullenweg.


Responds to DHH

David, perhaps it would be good to explore with a therapist or coach why you keep having these great ideas but cannot scale them beyond a handful of niche customers. I will give full credit and respect. 37signals inspired tons of what Automattic does! We’re now half a billion in revenue. Why are you still so small? ~Response to DHH on (archive).

Matt once again repeats the lie that this is about the trademark (See: Lies about what this is all about, again).

We have no problem with their use of GPL code, our beef is with their trademark abuse.

And tries to leverage his philanthropy:

David, perhaps instead of spending $2M on a race car, you should do some philanthropy.

Matt, perhaps instead of spending $100k on acquiring a domain to spite someone, you should pay your Mother’s nurses for having to listen to your Mother talk about your sex life.

6 hours later

Matt modified “Response to DHH” to remove the quoted paragraph, luckily it is archived.

12 hours later

Matt deletes “Response to DHH”. Perhaps the tide is turning. Has Matt come to his senses? Has he finally taken some Tylenol?

The error page makes a good point.

This is somewhat embarrassing, isn’t it?

18 hours later

Matt replaces the post with a weak apology to DHH.

I’ve taken this post down. I’ve been attacked so much the past few days; the most vicious, personal, hateful words poisoned my brain, and the original version of this post was mean. I am so sorry. I shouldn’t let this stuff get to me, but it clearly did, and I took it out on DHH, who, while I disagree with him on several points, isn’t the actual villain in this story: it’s WP Engine and Silver Lake.

1 apology down, 99 to go.


Offers to return WP Engine’s access to Advanced Custom Fields if they drop the lawsuit

@wp_acf If WP Engine dropped its lawsuits, apologized, and got in good standing with its trademark use, you are welcome to have access to the plugin directory listing. ~@WordPress


Matt forks and hijacks Advanced Custom Fields

As speculated, under the guise of “security”, Matt forks WP Engine’s Advanced Custom Fields plugin to “Secure Custom Fields” and hijacks the plugin page for Advanced Custom Fields to promote the fork.

On behalf of the WordPress security team, I am announcing that we are invoking point 18 of the plugin directory guidelines and are forking Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) into a new plugin, Secure Custom Fields. SCF has been updated to remove commercial upsells and fix a security problem. ~Secure Custom Fields on

Yesterday “Advanced Custom Fields by WP Engine”. Today “Secure Custom Fields by”.

We have been made aware that the Advanced Custom Fields plugin on the WordPress directory has been taken over by WordPress dot org. A plugin under active development has never been unilaterally and forcibly taken away from its creator without consent in the 21 year history of WordPress. ~@wp_acf

Secure Custom Fields on was modified shortly after publication to recharacterize Jason Bahl’s move to Automattic:

There is separate, but not directly related news that Jason Bahl has left WP Engine to work for Automattic and will be making WPGraphQL a canonical community plugin. We expect others will ~defect~ follow as well.

Matt uses @WordPress to dismiss founder of Client Portal

Laura Elizabeth, founder of WordPress Plugin Client Portal, Tweets that she is unable to log in to due to her affiliation with WP Engine.

Guess I can’t contribute to WordPress 🤷‍♀️ ~@lauraelizdunn

Matt responds:

Sorry, who are you? ~@WordPress


Rumors swirl that Matt plans to bring WP Engine-owned Advanced Custom Fields into WordPress Core

Following on from poaching WPGraphQL from WP Engine earlier in the week, Matt makes moves to take the open-source GPL-licensed version of Advanced Custom Fields and bring it in to WordPress Core.

I have it from multiple trusted sources that the Matt surprise today will cross lines and break open source ethics. His villain era is truly here. ~@kellie

Matt uses @WordPress to retweet Automattic vs. WP Engine poll

Perhaps in a moment of clarity (or more likely in an effort to influence the results), Matt uses @WordPress to retweet a poll showing community sentiment is firmly on the side of WP Engine.

Which one is worse?

After the poll closes with voting conclusively showing community sentiment is against Matt, the retweet from @WordPress is removed.

Matt’s nose bleeds unacknowledged during podcast

Matt participates in a 30 minute podcast episode on World of DaaS with Auren Hoffman: Automattic CEO Matt Mullenweg: WordPress vs WP Engine. At 20 minutes in, Matt’s nose begins bleeding and Matt, without acknowledging the nose bleed, spends the rest of the interview with blood on his face.

Automattic CEO Matt Mullenweg: WordPress vs WP Engine

Matt later adds a comment to the video:

Around 20 minutes in, my nose started bleeding, which sometimes happens when I travel too much. Prior to this interview, I was on 30+ hour flights returning from Durban, where I was on safari, to Houston. I’m sorry for not noticing it happening; it’s very embarrassing.


Suggests former employee is making a death threat

A former employee says:

Has anyone tried turning @photomatt off and restarting him? ~@kellie

Matt responds:

By “turning off” do you mean my life should end? ~@photomatt

The next day:

Thank you for clarifying. 🙏 I get a lot of actual death threats, so am pretty sensitive to it. ~@photomatt

Automattic’s “associate general counsel” Neil Peretz suggests Matt is out of control

On Hacker News, Neil Peretz writes:

Despite our sometimes fervent wishes, lawyers don’t control clients. We are not puppeteers.

Bans WordPress contributors for questioning WP Engine affiliation ban

Matt bans long-term WordPress contributors for questioning his decision making in the WordPress Slack.

For anybody who wants to understand why I’ve been banned from the #WordPress Slack. ~@JavierCasares

I was one of those banned this morning, along with Javier, from the Making WordPress Slack channel. I was also subsequently banned from All seemingly for criticizing the checkbox decision. I’m a plugin developer with over 10 years of WP experience. One of my plugins is fairly well used in the community. I only say this to demonstrate the severity of what’s happening. ~/u/andrewfromatx

During the same conversation, Matt justifies the introduction of the WP Engine affiliation ban:

I want you all to be informed and involved. Not to stay on the sidelines.


Lies about lawyer statements

On Hacker News Matt writes:

Our lawyers have never said that is a non-profit or owned by the Foundation.

5 days prior in WordPress Trademarks: A Legal Perspective, Neil Peretz the “associate general counsel at Automattic” said:

The Foundation also licensed the name WordPress to the non-profit, which runs a website that facilitates access to WordPress-related software.

Later on October 8th, 5 days after the post was published, Matt updates the post to remove “non-profit” and Neil Peretz describes “non-profit” as a typo:

I believe there was a typo in the post. If you read this thread you’ll see a note below from Matt yesterday that the post was corrected. ~neilperetz on Hacker News

Bans access to for anyone affiliated with WP Engine

To log in to a user must certify that they have no association with WP Engine.

I am not affiliated with WP Engine in any way, financially or otherwise.

Lies about what this is all about, again

Responding to Automattic is doing open source dirty, Matt once again contradicts himself.

Thank you for writing about this! I’m sorry if our messaging made you think this about the GPL — I have no issue with their use of GPL code. It’s specifically about their misuse of the “WordPress” and “WooCommerce” trademarks.

See: 2024-09-28 Lies about motivation for dispute with WP Engine.


Acquires WPGraphQL plugin

Matt hires Jason Bahl, author of WP Engine-sponsored WPGraphQL, conditional upon WPGraphQL transitioning to the control of Matt.

With that said, I’m excited to announce that after 3.5 wonderful years at WP Engine, I’ve accepted an offer with Automattic to continue my work on WPGraphQL as it transitions into becoming a canonical community plugin on

Matt’s weaponisation of corporate sponsored Open Source projects harms the Open Source ecosystem, flying in the face of his claimed focus on the greater good.

Tweets about GraphQL

Everyone thinks WPE owns GraphQL but they don’t. ~@photomatt on X

Obviously “everyone” does not think that WPE own GraphQL because GraphQL has nothing to do with WordPress.


Announces Advanced Custom Fields security vulnerability

In a since deleted tweet Automattic (Matt) violates responsible disclosure by announcing a vulnerability in WPEngine’s ACF plugin.

Automattic’s security team has responsibly disclosed a vulnerability in @wp_acf to @wpengine. As is standard, they have 30 days to issue a fix before public disclosure. We have reserved this CVE for the issue:

Modifies “What’s the difference between and” article on

Due to long-term confusion about the difference between and, has an article titled “What’s the difference between and”. On October 5th, a change was made to remove mention of the ambiguity.

Prior to October 5th (archive):

Why doesn’t Automattic rename to something more distinct? You’ll have to ask them. Likely, the downsides of a rebranding campaign would outweigh the benefits. The ambiguity certainly hasn’t been all bad. It makes it fairly clear to users that they can migrate their blog to a self-hosted WordPress install.

Since October 5th:

Why doesn’t Automattic rename to something more distinct? offers multi-site for free and on very inexpensive plans, has never had any downtime or lost user data since 2005, and has onboarded and introduced hundreds of millions of people to WordPress. Their higher-tier plans offer some of the fastest and most secure WordPress Managed Hosting available anywhere, with full plugin and theme support. That advanced managed platform is now licensed to other hosts through and is raising the bar for the industry. The flavor of WordPress offered by is a huge asset to the brand and adoption of WordPress overall.

Refuses to leave former Automattic employee Slack channel

@photomatt joins the chat and refuses to leave after being asked politely. A safe space for former automatticians. ~@kellie on X


Misrepresents history in “Automattic—WP Engine Term Sheet” blog post

May 30: Automattic shares first term sheet with WP Engine via email.

The term sheet Automattic sent to WP Engine in May 2024 did not refer to the WordPress Trademark.

Blocks Automattic employees from using Blind

Right now emails from Blind are forwarding to me. ~@kellie on X

Blind is totally open for Automatticians to join again, has been for months. ~@photomatt on X

TL;DR: Matt Mullenweg, the CEO of Automattic, co-founder of WordPress, and single point of failure for is trying to bully me with legal threats over my commentary regarding his recent behavior.

“Nice Guy” Matt Mullenweg, CEO of Cries Foul and Threatens Me With Legal Action


Removes from Hosting recommendations


Removes from the Hosting page then adds another Automattic owned WordPress host in its place, Pressable, which is running a switch away from WP Engine campaign.

Posts “Response to WP Engine’s Meritless Lawsuit

Matt appoints Neal Katyal and makes the following claim:

Neal has been adverse to Quinn Emanuel a number of times, and won every case.

Per Mike Julian on Twitter:

we looked back ten years and found seven total cases. Mr. Katyal has lost three times, won twice.


Lies about reason to own himself

The Foundation is a 501c3, so if it ran we’d have to remove all commercial plugins and anything that could be seen as promoting a for-profit. Would you like that? ~@photomatt on X

The WordPress Foundation has many for-profit subsidiaries.


Misrepresents financing

Admits to owning himself and implies he finances it.

Please propose an alternative! They need to be independently wealthy to subsidize, which serves 30k requests a second at peak, and ideally command a for-profit entity that can contribute thousands of hours a week to WordPress. ~@photomatt on X

Later admits Automattic finances

Automattic employs ~100 people that work full-time on I can appoint them into positions on, if I think that’s appropriate. ~photomatt on Hacker News


Appears on Theo - t3․gg’s YouTube channel for The WordPress Interview

The Wordpress Drama Interview (this got cited in a lawsuit lol)

Threatens career of WP Engine’s CEO Heather Brunner

In a text message to CEO of WP Engine, Heather Brunner, Matt threatens to reveal (false) information about Heather to the press.

Heather, after our extensive discussions about you joining Automattic, the offer you negotiated with me is still on the table.

Let me know by midnight PT if you decline or accept this offer.

If you decline, on Monday morning, I tell Greg Mondres [CEO of Silver Lake]:



Lies about motivation for dispute with WP Engine

The problem isn’t their use of WP, it’s their use of the WordPress and WooCommerce trademarks. ~photomatt on Hacker News

Subsequently admits the trademark is not the problem and is being used as an angle to attack WP Engine.

“The analogy I made is they got Al Capone for taxes,” Mullenweg says. “So, if a company was making half a billion dollars from WordPress and contributing back about $100,000 a year, yes, I would be trying to get them to contribute more.” WP Engine competes directly with the hosting services offered by Automattic and, and Mullenweg argues one of the reasons for its success is the use of “WordPress” across its site. “That’s why we’re using that legal avenue to really, yeah, pressure them. That’s true: we are pressuring them.” ~The Verge “Matt Mullenweg: ‘ just belongs to me’”


Appears on ThePrimeagen’s Livestream

Matt Talks About WordPress Situation


Publishes “WP Engine is banned from

What I will tell you is that, pending their legal claims and litigation against, WP Engine no longer has free access to’s resources.

WP Engine did not make any legal claims against, they issued a cease and desist to Automattic (Automattic’s Actionable Misconduct Directed to WP Engine).

Publishes “Charitable Contributions” on

I have kept my personal philanthropy private until now.

Matt has published information about his personal philanthropy many times.


Modifies WordPress Trademark Policy

Matt modifies the WordPress trademark policy to add:

The abbreviation “WP” is not covered by the WordPress trademarks, but please don’t use it in a way that confuses people. For example, many people think WP Engine is “WordPress Engine” and officially associated with WordPress, which it’s not. They have never once even donated to the WordPress Foundation, despite making billions of revenue on top of WordPress.

If you would like to use the WordPress trademark commercially, please contact Automattic, they have the exclusive license. Their only sub-licensee is Newfold.


Publishes “WP Engine is not WordPress

It has to be said and repeated: WP Engine is not WordPress. My own mother was confused and thought WP Engine was an official thing. itself acknowledges the same confusion exists with

People are often confused about the differences between and because they sure sound similar. This workshop highlights the key differences between .Org and .Com. Watch this short video to answer any questions you have. ~What is the difference between WordPress .Com and .Org?

Matt goes on to say:

WordPress is a content management system, and the content is sacred. Every change you make to every page, every post, is tracked in a revision system, just like the Wikipedia. … WP Engine turns this off. They disable revisions because it costs them more money to store the history of the changes in the database, and they don’t want to spend that to protect your content.

WP Engine responds in Automattic’s Actionable Misconduct Directed to WP Engine.

What WP Engine gives you is not WordPress, it’s something that they’ve chopped up, hacked, butchered to look like WordPress, but actually they’re giving you a cheap knock-off and charging you more for it.

The post falsely states, “What WP Engine gives you is not WordPress, it’s something that they’ve chopped up, hacked, butchered to look like WordPress, but actually they’re giving you a cheap knock-off and charging you more for it.” In truth, WP Engine’s WordPress installations are identical to the ZIP file which defines WordPress. ~Automattic’s Actionable Misconduct Directed to WP Engine

Automattic themselves disable a wide variety of features in their paid products, like, Pressable and JetPack.


Posts “WordCamp US & Ecosystem Thinking

Compare the Five For the Future pages from Automattic and WP Engine, two companies that are roughly the same size with revenue in the ballpark of half a billion.

Matt implies Five For the Future is the only way to contribute to the WordPress ecosystem. Five For the Future counts direct contributions to the Matt-owned WordPress project, not the wider ecosystem. WP Engine contribute Faust.js, sponsor WPGraphQL and develop Local and Advanced Custom Fields.


Argues with trans Tumblr user and reveals their private accounts

Via TechCrunch, Tumblr CEO publicly spars with trans user over account ban, revealing private account names in the process:

Over the last few days, the situation escalated to the point that Mullenweg has engaged with the user in question on other platforms and shared private details about her account in public.

Matt responded to accusations of Transphobia in My Beliefs and Principles, once again wheeling out his “private” philanthropy as a shield for criticism.

I’ve personally donated to LGBT+ organizations as far back as 2016, and more recently have donated mid five figures to Human Rights organizations.


Identifies GoDaddy as an “existential threat to WP’s future”

Days after being sued for subjecting his Mother’s nurses to tales of Matt’s thirst for Asian women, Matt makes similar accusations to those he has since made against WP Engine. Contemporaneously covered by WP Tavern in Matt Mullenweg Identifies GoDaddy as a “Parasitic Company” and an “Existential Threat to WordPress’ Future”.

Matt subsequently deleted the tweets, and then blamed the tweets on a fever.

Okay no more tweeting while I have a fever, I’m going to have some @brodoNYC and rest. Sorry for the commotion. ~@photomatt

Maybe WP Engine just need to send Matt some Tylenol, instead of 8% of their revenue.


Lawsuit filed against Matt by his Mother’s private nurse

A private nurse alleges Matt violated labor law, contributed to a hostile work environment and wrongfully terminated her.

•30. Numerous complaints were made directly to Defendant MATTHEW MULLENWEG regarding the severity of his mother’s racism, and the discomfort it was causing Plaintiff, however he did nothing to prevent it from occurring. In fact, to the contrary, Defendant MATTHEW MULLENWEG would share the complaints made by Plaintiff with his mother who would then retaliate against Plaintiff and threaten her with termination ifshe ever complained about her racism and religious rants to her son again.

•33. In addition to the racist rants and harassment about wearing a head scarfthat Plaintiff was subjected to, Defendant KATHLEEN MULLENWEG also created a hostile, and sexually charged environment by repeatedly discussing Defendant MATTHEW MULLENWEG’s sex life in graphic detail. KATHLEEN MULLENWEG would discuss Defendant MATTHEW MULLENWEG’s attraction to Asian women, and how Asian women were all “whores” and “sluts” and “prostitutes.” She also discussed that Defendant MATTHEW MULLENWEG would engage in threesomes with his girlfriends, that Defendant MULLENWEG was easily seduced by the Asian women, that the Asian women would poke holes in condoms in an attempt to set him up for marriage. Defendant KATHLEEN MULLENWEG would discuss how her son would sleep with multiple women at the same time, and other graphic details about Defendant Matthew MULLENWEG’s sex life, Defendant KATHLEEN MULLENWEG engaged in a pattern of continuous, pervasive, and severe daily harassment intentionally occurring in the immediate presence of Plaintiff, in a direct and intentional attempt to offend, embarrass, and provoke Plaintiff, who repeatedly requested that this behavior stop.

Case Number: CGC22600093 (complaint).

A second lawsuit (Case Number: CGC22600095 (complaint)) makes similar allegations.

•27. Defendant MULLENWEG held himself out to be the boss, owner, HR Director, policy maker, and individual in control of every aspect of Plaintiffs employment. Plaintiff felt she had no one to protect her from the abuse, the excessive demand to work months without a day off, and she lacked the resources to escape the situation she found herself in.

•33. As time passed, the conditions grew worse for Plaintiff while living and working in 24 California for the MULLENWEG’s. Defendant MULLENWEG routinely fired any responsible 25 supervisor who might have offered protection for Plaintiff, and MULLENWEG’s mother became 26 increasingly more abusive with no one available to keep her behavior in check.

•34. In addition to the racism, Kathleen Mullenweg engaged in a pattern of continuous, pervasive, and severe daily sexual banter which occurred directly in Plaintiff’s presence in her immediate work environment. In addition to the racism, the workplace was permeated with sexually-charged harassment which embarrassed, humiliated, and offended Plaintiff. For example, Kathleen Mullenweg would discuss in graphic detail the sex between defendant MULLENWEG and his Asian girlfriends even though Plaintiff begged her not to discuss such private matters. Kathleen Mullenweg at one point asked Plaintiffto spy on her son having sex with his girlfriends. She also asked Plaintiff to check the trash cans to search for condoms. Plaintiff made numerous complaints directly to Defendant MATTHEW MVLLENWEG, AUDREY and to MULLENWEG’s mother regarding the severity of Kathleen Mullenweg’s racism and sexually charged non-stop rants, and the discomfort it was causing her, however Defendants did absolutely nothing to prevent it from occurring. In fact, to the contrary, Defendant MULLENWEG would share Plaintiffs complaints with his mother who would then retaliate against Plaintiff and threaten her with termination if she ever complained about her harassment to her son again.

Matt has referenced his Mother multiple times, including her advice.


Maybe this is another typo. Matt may have meant “Kill ‘em with unsafe working conditions”.


Acquires to spite WordPress theme developer

Following a many-years long dispute with author of Thesis WordPress Theme System Chris Pearson, Matt acquires the domain for $100,000 in retaliation.

Principles? Matt spent $100,000 to buy—a domain in which he had no legitimate business interest—forwarded the domain to his property, and violated my trademark. ~The Truth About


Community blog wordpress™ wank publishes prescient post warning Matt’s behaviour

14 years ago, wordpress™ wank publishes back into the shade:

How do we know that the ‘foundation’ isn’t going to use trademark violation as a weapon in the GPL jihad, using it as an excuse to shut down anyone promoting non-GPL code or documentation? We had a reasonable expectation that Automattic wouldn’t do that because they’re an actual legitimate business, with a board of directors and all that jazz, and the money men might have a shot at keeping Matt’s weirder impulses in check, but now nobody else gets a say in how the trademark’s used or how abuses (real or imagined) are handled. And somehow this gets spun as a great day for open source. Awesome.


Date Complaint



Site Profile
X (Twitter) @photomatt
Reddit /u/photomatt (archive)
Hacker News photomatt (archive)

Video Interviews

Date Title
2024-10-11 Automattic CEO Matt Mullenweg: WordPress vs WP Engine on World of DaaS with Auren Hoffman
2024-09-29 The WordPress Interview with Theo - t3․gg
2024-09-27 Matt Talks About WordPress Situation with ThePrimeTime


Date Name
2024-09-23 Automattic’s Actionable Misconduct Directed to WP Engine

Alternative Websites


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Authors is not associated with Automattic, WP Engine, Silver Lake or Matthew Charles Mullenweg.

It actually is an excellent website ~Matt Mullenweg, October 12th 2024